Monday, May 4, 2009


STEP #1: Think and feel a whole bunch of thoughts and feelings; stare at canvas until something comes to you.

STEP #2: Often, during step #1, nothing happens for quite a while... do not be alarmed, and do not give up... something will come to you. 

STEP #3:  If you are the type who is uncomfortable sitting with yourself for long periods of time, do something productive... something will come to you.

STEP #4: As I said... this could take a while... fix yourself a sandwich... alcohol often helps.

STEP #5: Ah... there it is; approach canvas and paint what just came to you.

Repeat steps #1 through #5 until painting is completed... as I said, it could take a while.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It appears the alcohol precedes the sandwich, which carries its own process. I'm not sure which ordering works best for achieving the most desired result. I suppose if enough alcohol comes first, before the food, a different result, whether desired or not, materializes.