One of last things my mother said to me before she died in April of 2001 was to "Notice the little things Toni." I rolled those words around in my head as I took long nature walks everyday that Spring, Summer, and Fall. I gathered pockets full of shells, leaves, stones, and twigs - not knowing at the time what I might do with them. I had no desire to paint - the actual distance between the brush and the canvass felt cavernous - too far removed from the urge I had to actually get my hands into the materials. One day, out of the blue, I decided to reproduce some birch bark I had collected - just to see if I could do it. That led to an entire series of sculptures I called my "nature studies." I "noticed the little things" - those pockets full of nature I had been collecting would be the "models" for sculptures. Those fallow three seasons marked the downtime I needed to gather the seeds for the next couple years of work.
The making of "Mussel Shells and Sea Glass."

I sculpted hundreds of mussel shell "blanks."
I painted hundreds of mussel shell blanks; it was repetitive, methodical, and required attention to detail - just what I needed to occupy my eyes, hands, and brain while working through the grief around my mother. I thought of myself as one of those prisoners who sculpt entire miniature villages out of countless tooth picks or popsicle sticks - because they have nothing but time on their hands, and creativity as their escape.

Here's the end result. It measures 1'x6'.

And here's a close-up of "the little things."
It's the little things. The complexity is hidden in simplicity leaving us awestruck.
Rage against the machine .... "Rage against the dying of the light ... Do not go gentle into that good night."
This is, I believe, the work I saw when at the place near Woodfords Corner, with a young friend of mine.
I remember reading those words, and today, rereading them I think:
"Perhaps it's the ANGEL that's in the details."
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